With each passing year the online business
world grows exponentially and there are an increasing number of people who want
to get into internet marketing. But most people don’t really even know what
that means or what it takes. There are so many things that go under the overall
internet marketing umbrella that if you spoke to 100 different “internet
marketers” and asked them what they do, you would probably get 100 different
answers. Most of us have a hard time even trying to explain what it is we do to
inquiring minds.
So, what is internet marketing? Here are just
some of the things a day in the life of an internet marketer entails…

Researching a market can be a very lengthy and
detailed process. You often need to check search volume, competition level,
trends, demographics, whether the target audience has money to spend and are
willing to pay, and many other things. It should be done carefully and without
assumptions based on what you want to happen. As an internet marketer, you
might spend an entire day (or longer) just doing keyword research.

And let’s not forget about domain
registrations, DNS settings, system installs, settings tweaks, content uploads,
and so on. Those things also take time to do and require you to learn how to do
them. There’s a lot that goes into building a website and it’s just one part of
being an internet marketing professional.
* Writing Content – This is something that takes up a LOT
of time in the regular routine of just about every internet marketer. Content
is king in the world of online marketing. You need it for almost everything you
do. Whether you are building a static website, updating your blog, marketing
your sites, writing press releases and articles, responding to emails, replying
to comments, sending out your newsletter, creating an information product,
copywriting, participating in forums, keeping up your social media accounts,
and so on… You will be writing and writing some more. It’s all about content in
the online world so get ready to wear out many keyboards on your computer!
* Blogging – The world of websites has no doubt
shifted towards blogs in recent years and will likely continue to do so until
they are the predominant force in the online world. Blogging is a very
important part of internet marketing in many ways. Depending on your business
model, it can actually be absolutely vital to online success. It is great for
making a name for yourself, getting your content out to the world, helping to
spread the word about your brand, building up a following, or even making money
from your blog itself. Some internet marketers even earn their entire incomes
from blogging. Although, in that case, they are typically called bloggers, but
the two professions overlap in many ways.

I’ll just say that it’s extremely important
and a huge part of what most internet marketing specialists do in their regular
routine. There are thousands of internet marketers who spend day after day
doing search engine optimization and almost nothing else. It takes a very long
time to master the process and perfect the techniques. Plus, it is always
changing, so staying on top of it all can be exhausting. Take me for example,
my main specialty has been SEO for the past 10 years and I still learn
something new almost every day.
* Social Media Marketing (SMM) – I’m sure you probably have profiles on
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Pinterest, and maybe even a few
others. If you don’t then you certainly know someone close to you who does.
Well, a typical internet marketer like me will have all of those profiles plus
another 10 or 20 or more accounts on other social media sites that we have to
Think about how much time you spend on those
sites every day. It’s easy to pass an hour or two without even noticing it. And
you are probably just using them to keep up with friends, family, and what’s
happening around your area. Us internet marketers do all of that plus use them
to network with business associates and prospects, keep up on our industry,
spread the word about our content, and for other marketing reasons.
Being a social media consultant and doing all
the social media marketing and updating for companies is something many people
do as a full time business. It is that time consuming. But internet marketing
specialists have to fit it into our daily schedule along with about a million other

This is very popular among internet marketers
and anyone other businesses with products or services they sell online. The
keyword research, set up, and management takes a lot of time, effort and skill.
You can waste a lot of money if you just throw up your ad and let it go. Top
PPC guru’s can spend years learning, testing, and tweaking their systems in
order to master Adwords and make their campaigns profitable.

* Videos – A huge part of internet marketing
nowadays is video production. When I started my business back in 2003 this
wasn’t really a big deal at all. There were very few people doing them in those
days. But video marketing has exploded in the past few years and will only
continue to grow into the future. These can be educational, instructive, funny
with the intent of going viral, or created for marketing purposes. Whatever the
reasons for videos, the fact is they are a part of running an internet business
now and they take a lot of work to do.
This point is actually quite easy to get
across because you are watching an internet marketing video right now. It took
me a lot of time to bring together all of this information, condense it, write
out points I wanted to discuss, record the video, and upload it. Then, I will
do it over and over again with more marketing videos for years to come. And
this is just a basic video sitting here talking to you. Imagine how much work
goes into a big production like the ones we, here at Be Always Marketing, do
for our clients!
Okay that pretty much covers it for now but,
as I said, those are just SOME of the main things you will be doing regularly.
There’s a lot more that you will surely be doing on a daily, weekly, monthly,
and yearly basis. I’ve really only scratched the surface of what being an
internet marketing specialist fully entails. I didn’t even get into phone
calls, client servicing, meetings, media buying, webinars, seminars, forums,
support, training, and so on. It virtually never ends!
So, it’s definitely not all fun and games
relaxing on the beach like many people think. Internet marketing is a real
business and there is a lot of work involved to build it, grow it, and maintain
it. But if you are up for the challenge and willing to put in the time and
effort, it can be a very rewarding way to make a living!
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